09-08 Notes

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\title{Lecture 2}
\newcommand{\dvol}{\text{ d\textit{vol}}}
\section{Sobolev Embedding}
  Let $X$ be smooth manifold of dimension $n$, $\dvol$, let $E$ be a
vector bundle over $X$, and let $A$ be a connection on $E$.  WE
define the Sobolev Space $L^p_{k,A}(X,E)$ to be the completion of
$C^\infty(X,E)$ with respect to the norm
$$||s||^p_{p,k,A}=\sum_{i=0}^k\int_{X}|\nabla_A\overset{i \text{
times}}{\circ\cdots\circ}\nabla_A s|^p\dvol$$
If no vector bundle is specified, then the trivial bundle, i.e. the
set of smooth functions on $X$, is implied.  Other notations for
this space are $W^p_{k,A}$ and in the case $p=2$, $H_{k,A}$.  We
would like to know when $L^p_k(X)=subset L^q_l(X)$ holds.  Define
the conformal weight of $L^p_k$, to be $k-n/p$.  Then for $f\in
L^p_k$, $||f(tx)||_{p,k}\simeq t^{k-n/p}||f(x)||$, so for such an
inclusion to hold, we must have $k-n/p\leq l-n/q$.  If $X$ is
compact, then this, and the condition that $k\geq l$ are sufficient
for $L^p_k(X)=subset L^q_l(X)$.  Furthermore, Rellich's theorem
tells us that if both inequalities are strict, this inclusion is a
compact embedding,
Let $C^{l,\al}(X)$ be the space of functions with $l$ derivatives,
such that the $l^{th}$ derivative is Holder continuous with exponent
$\al$.  If $0\al<1$, then $L^p_k(X)=subset C^{l,\al}\iff k\geq l$,
and $k-n/p\geq l+\al$.  The case $\al=0$ is much more subtle.  For
example, if $\Sigma$ is a Riemann surface, $L^2_1(\Sigma)\not=subset
C^0(\Sigma)$, and if $X$ is a 4-manifold, $L^4_1(X)\not=subset
\section{Sobolev Multiplication}
Multiplication gives a map $L^p_k\times L^q_l\ra L^r_m$ if
$$\text{a) }(k-n/p)+(l-n/q)>m-n/r\text{  and  }k,l\geq m,\text{
$$\text{b) }k-n/p>0\text{  and  }k-n/p,l-n/q\geq m-n/r$$
The proofs of these two results follow from the embedding theorem,
and Holder's inequality.
\section{Differentiation on Banach Spaces}
Let $X,Y$ be Banach spaces, $U=subset X$ an open subset, and $f:U\ra
Y$ a map.  We say that $f$ is differentiable at $x\in U$ if there is
$C>0$ and a bounded linear operator $A:X\ra Y$ such that
$||f(x+h)-f(x)-A\dot h||_Y\leq C||h||^2_X$  (this exponent 2 here is
not quite the correct definition, but it will do for our purposes).
In this case, we write $d_x f$ for $A$, and call this the derivative
of $f$ at $x$.
We say that $f$ is continuously differentiable if $x\mapsto A_x:U\ra
\text{Hom}(X,Y)$ is a continuous map.  We say that $f$ is twice
differentiable at $x$ is it is continuously differentiable at $x$,
and the map $x'\mapsto d_{x'}f$ is differentiable at $x$.  Iterating
this definition allows us to define higher derivatives.  In
particular, $f$ is $C^\infty$ if it has derivatives of all orders.
It turns out that if $(f,g)\mapsto \mu(f,g)=f\cdot g:L^p_k\times
L^q_l\ra L^r_m$ is continuous, then it is $C^\infty$.  In fact, if
we let $\delta$ denote a small variation, and letting
$d_{\mu(f,g)}(\delta f,\delta g)=f\delta g+g\delta f$, we have
$$||\mu(f+\delta f,g+\delta g)-\mu(f,g)-d_{\mu(f,g,)}(\delta
f,\delta g)||_{r.m}$$
$$=||\delta f\cdot\delta g||_{r,m}\leq C(||\delta f||_{p,k}||\delta
where the last inequality follows from the multiplication theorem.
The derivative $d_{\mu(f,g)}(\delta f,\delta g)$ only depends on the
product $f\cdot g$, so the higher derivatives all vanish.
\section{Application to the Space of Connections}
Let $\pi:P\ra X$ be a principal $G$-bundle, and let $\g$ be the Lie
algebra of $G$.  Let $A$ denote a connection on $P$,
$F_A\in\Omega^2(X,\text{ad }P)$ its curvature.  If, $\tau$ is a
local trivialization, we let $a^\tau$ denote the one-form associated
to the connection, $A\mapsto F_A$ corresponds to $a^\tau\mapsto
da^\tau+[a^\tau\wedge a^\tau]$.  Recall the following definition:
$$\A^p_k=\{\text{connections }A|\text{ if }\tau:\pi^{-1}(U)\ra
U\times P\text{ is a }C^\infty\text{ trivialization such that if }$$
$$\phi\in C^\infty_0(U)\text{ we have } a_\tau\in\Omega^1(U,\g),
\phi a_\tau\in L^p_k(U,T^pU\otimes\g)\}$$
Let $\F:\A^p_k\ra L^q_l(X,\Lambda^2\otimes\text{ad }P)$ be the map
sending a connection to its curvature.  We would like to know when
$\F$ is continuous.  Clearly, $a^\tau\mapsto da^\tau$ is continuous
into $L^p_{k-1}$.  From the multiplication theorem, $a^\tau\mapsto
[a^\tau\wedge a^\tau]$ is continuous when
$(k-n/p)+(k-n/p)>(k-1)-n/p$, i.e. $k+1\geq n/p$.  In fact, in this
case it is $C^\infty$.  For example, for $n=4$, $(p,k)=(2,1)$,
$(q,l)=(4,0)$, $a^\tau\mapsto [a^\tau\wedge a^\tau]$ is continuous.
We specialize to the the situation where $G=O(n),U(n),Sp(n)$, amd
where $P$ is the frame bundle of some vector bundle $E$.  A smooth
gauge transformation $u$ is a smooth bundle endomorphism of $E$ such
that $u$ is an orthogonal (resp. unitary or symplectic) isomorphism
on each fiber.  In other words, $u\in C^\infty(X,\text{End}(E))$,
and $u^*u=1$, where $u^*$ denotes the transpose if $G=O(n)$, the
conjugate transpose if $G=U(n)$, etc.  We define
$$\G^p_k=\{u\in L^p_k(X,\text{End}(E))|u^*u=1\text{ almost everywhere}\}$$
We would like $\G^p_k$ to be a group, and ideally, a Banach Lie
If $(k-n/p)>0$, then $\G^p_k$ is a Banach Lie group, and
$L^p_k(X,\text{End}(E))$ is a Banach space and algebra
Define $\Phi:L^p_k(X,\text{End}(E))\ra L^p_k(X,\text{End}(E))$ by
$\Phi(s)=s^*s$. Then $\Phi$ is a $C^\infty$ map, and
$d_s\Phi(t)=s^*t+t^*s$.  Using $s^*s=1$, once easily sees that
$d_s\Phi(sw/2)=w$, so that $d_s\Phi$ is surjective for all
$s\in\G^p_k$. It is also clear that
$\text{ker}(d_s\Phi)=\{sr|r=-r^*\}$.  These two facts allows us to
apply the implicit function theorem to conclude that
$\Phi^{-1}(1)=subset\G^p_k$ is a Banach Lie group.
We would next like to determine when $\G^p_k$ acts on $\A^q_l$. The
multiplication theorem implies that $L^p_{k-1}$ is an $L^p_k$ module
if $(k-n/p)$>0.  The argument at the end of section 3 shows that
this multiplication is smooth, so that $\G^p_k\times\A^p_{k-1}\ra
\A^p_{k-1}$ is a smooth.
Let $\B^p_{k-1}=\A^p_{k-1}/\G^p_k$.  We want to know when this is a
Hausdorff space.  Recall the following criterion:  If $G$ is a
topological group, that acts continuously on a topological space
$X$, then $X/G$ is Hausdorff if and only if the graph
$\Gamma=\{(x,xg)|x\in X,g\in G\}$ is closed in $X\times X$.
If $(k-n/p)>0$, then $\B^p_{k-1}$ is Hausdorff
Suppose we have a sequence $(A_i,u_iA_i)$ that converges to $(A,A')$
in $L^p_{k-1}$.  Then $a^\tau_i$ converges to $a^\tau$ in $L^p_k$,
and $u^{-1}_idu_i+u^{-1}_ia^\tau_iu_i\ra a'^\tau$.  Rearranging this
gives $du_i=u_ia'^\tau-a^\tau_iu_i$.  Suppose $k=1$, $p=n+\e$.  Then
since $a^\tau_i$ converges, and $u_i$ are all in $\G^p_k$, this
implies that $du_i$ is uniformly bounded.  If we pass to a
subsequence where $u_i$ converges, say to $u$, in $C^0$, then $du_i$
converges in $L^{n+\e}$, so that $u_i$ converges to $u$ in
$L^{n+\e}_1$.  For $k>1$, one applies a bootstrap argument.

Revision as of 19:39, 12 November 2008