Whitney's Mountain
Rotatable Images:
The following are rotatable 3D graphics in Mathematica
notebooks. If you don't have Mathematica, you can use the
Mathematica Notebook
Reader. To rotate the objects, click down on the left mouse button and
drag. (There may be a short delay after dragging the mouse before the object
actually rotates.)
Path, Mountain, and Mountain Closeup (.nb 9.2MB, .zip 3.1MB)
Unfortunately, when the path and the mountain are in the same graphics object,
Mathematica decides (for an unknown reason) to convert the mountain from
SurfaceGraphics (efficient) to individual Polygons (inefficient). As a
result, these files are slow and huge. You may want to ignore these and
enjoy the corresponding images below.
- Path on Mountain (.zip 7.4MB)
- Path on Closeup (.zip
Non-rotatable Images: